Current projects
The Mount Gambier History Group is currently working on a number of projects.
If you believe you have information or photographs that may contribute to expanding the following projects we would love to hear from.
Our current projects include:
– “Heritage Watch” newsletter published quarterly.
– Cataloguing about 10,000 donated photos.
– The Group has had many donations of war records spanning several wars which it is the process of sorting and cataloguing.
– Lake Terrace Cemetery headstones were transcribed by volunteers and this is now being checked and put into a database.
– In conjunction with the City Council of Mount Gambier graves are being restored.
– Members are cataloguing books and magazines that are gradually being added to the database.
Our past projects include:
– Walks and Drives books and brochures
– In 1990 – 2002 Mount Gambier History Group was involved in restoring the “Old Stables” . These were used for:
– Art exhibitions by local artists: Markets; Craft Displays; Horse and Carriage Drives, Blacksmith forging; Pioneer events
– Displays at local events, e.g. Mount Gambier Show, Mount Gambier Field Day, Lady Nelson Bi-Centenary celebrations
– Production of DVD “Dolomite and Limestone”
– History talks and Walks
– Pioneer Park Cemetery – Sorrowful Spot (Book produced)
– Postcard series
– Conservation Workshop
– Fidler and Webb exhibition – 150 Years of History
– 2017 Senior Citizen Recreation Award – presented by the Lions Club of Mount Gambier and the City of Mount Gambier in recognition of the outstanding contribution made to our community by researcher Aileen Clarke, Margaret Brown, Jim Lightbody and Kerry Deverell with other History Group volunteers, in developing and presenting the Fidler and Webb exhibition.
– 2018 Australia Day Community Event of the Year for the Fidler and Webb Exhibition – 150 Years of History.
– 150th Birthday Celebrations of the Lake Terrace Cemetery.
– 2018 – Rook Walk – Community event in conjunction with the City of Mount Gambier – 100 years anniversary

Thank you to our generous Mount Gambier History Group supporters
If you would like to be an annual supporter of the Mount Gambier History Group, contact us for more information.