W O Beale – Plumber Tinsmith and Iron worker
Walter Osmond Beale commenced his own business trading as W O Beale after his partnership with J K McIntosh trading as Beale and McIntosh ceased in 1927. Walter was a plumber and tinsmith by trade...
BEALE & MCINTOSH – Plumbers & Iron Workers
In 1912 Walter Osmond Beale and James Knightly McIntosh, purchased the business K McIntosh - plumbing, with the business name being changed to Beale & McIntosh. Advertisements in the Border...
MCINTOSH & FARTCH – Tinsmith, Ironworker, Gasfitter and Plumber
In January 1905, Keith McIntosh who had successfully operated his own business since 1888, went into partnership with Frank Fartch and their business traded as McIntosh and Fartch They were the...
KEITH MCINTOSH – Tinsmith, Ironworker, Gasfitter and Plumber
On completing his education Keith McIntosh commenced his apprenticeship with Mr. Edwin Lewis who conducted a tin-smithing and plumbing business in Commercial Street. On completing his...
Original Savings Bank of South Australia building in Mt Gambier
This interesting building, on the corner of Helen Street and Bay Road, was built as the premises of the Savings Bank of South Australia between 1906 and 1959. You can still faintly see the painted...
JENS Johannes Matthias
Born: 25 July 1839, Wedel, Schleswig-Holstein GermanyDied: 30 June 1915, Mount Gambier, South Australia Parents: Joachim Ernest Jens and Lucia Dickmann.Siblings: Margaretha Elisabeth, Joachim...