wdt_ID Category Sub-category Code Name Author Date Printed Contents Format Category & Number
1 Aborigines Aborigines AB Protector of Aborigines Robinson, G A History 1841-1849, 1844-1846 Folder AB 001
2 Aborigines Aborigines AB Aboriginal Dreaming Stories Education Dept. SA 1988 Educational studies Book AB 002
3 Aborigines Aborigines AB Booandik Boundaries Walker, Elizabeth 1989 Stories with local children Book AB 003; MG043
4 Aborigines Aborigines AB The Aborigines of the Lower South East History Folder AB 004
5 Aborigines Aborigines AB The Aboriginal People of the South East O'Connor, Pam 1994 From the past to the present Book AB 005
6 Aborigines Aborigines AB The Boandik Tribe of South Australia Smith, Mrs James 1965 Habits, Customs, Legends & Language Book AB 006
7 Aborigines Aborigines AB Keeping the Culture Alive Robson, Meryl K 1985 Connie Hart, Fibrecraft & Family Tree Book AB 007
8 Aborigines Aborigines AB Troddin Thru' Raukan Hemming, Steve 1994 Oral histories Folder AB 008
9 Aborigines Aborigines AB The Dawn of Time Mountfod, Charles 1969 Australian Aboriginal Myths Book AB 009
10 Aborigines Aborigines AB Lookin For Your Mob Smith, Dianne 1990 Resource Book AB 010
11 Aborigines Aborigines AB The David Unaipon Story Peter Buckskin 2007 Life Story Card AB 011
12 Aborigines Aborigines AB Aboriginal People of the South East - Past to present Various Newspaper clippings, Various. (Prep for book at Ab 005) Folder AB 012
13 Aborigines Aborigines AB Worra and Legends of the Boandiks Madeline Brunato 1972 AB 013
14 Aborigines Aborigines AB Aboriginal Art Joel Smoker Aboriginal art in Australia Book AB 014
15 Aborigines Aborigines AB Aboriginal Art Cards Matthew Gill 1986 Aboriginal artist from Western Australia Cards & Post Cards AB 015
16 Aborigines Aborigines AB Scars in the Landscape - Aboriginal Massacre sites Ian D Clark 1995 A register of massacre sites Book AB 016
17 Aborigines Aborigines AB The Journal of William Wells 1852-1855 Edited by Robert Foster 1995 Journal of his life Book AB 017
18 Aborigines Aborigines AB Out of the Dreaming Volume 1 Lola Cameron-Bonney 1990 Collection ofAboriginal articles Folder AB 018
19 Aborigines Aborigines AB The Lake Condah Aboriginal Mission Keith Cole 1984 Aborigines and settlers in Western Victoria Book AB 019
20 Aborigines Aborigines AB The Meeting of the Waters and the Hindmarsh Island Affair Margaret Simmons 2003 History related to Ngarrindjery people Book AB 020
21 Aborigines Aborigines AB Aboriginal Bark Canoes of the Murray Valley Robert Edwards 1972 Art of making bark canoes Book AB 021
22 Aborigines Aborigines AB Aborginal People of South Australia NAIDOC Committee 1992 Land and Culture Book AB 022
23 Aborigines Aborigines AB Survival in our own Land - 'Aboriginal Experiences in South Australia since 1836' Edited by Christobel Mattingley and Ken Hampton 1988 Aboriginal Experiences in South Australia since 1836 Book AB 023
24 Aborigines Aborigines AB A World that was the Yaraldi of the Murray River and Lakes, South Australia Ronald M Berndt and Catherin H Berndt with John Stanton 1993 The Yaraldi of the Murray River and Lakes, South Australia Book AB 024
25 Aborigines Aborigines AB Conquest of the Ngarrindjeri - The story of the Lower Murray Lakes Tribes Graham Jenkin 1938 The story of the Lower Murray Lakes Tribes Book AB 025

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