Tantanoola P.A. & H. Society


Tantanoola P.A. & H. Society 100 Years of Achievement

This book has been published to mark the centenary of the Tantanoola Show, to be held on Saturday, November 12, 1988. When a fixture, such as a Show, has had an impact on a district for 100 years, it is well to have a backward glance at the people and events associated with it.

New $15.00     As new $8.00

72 in stock


Tantanoola P.A. & H. Society 100 Years of Achievement

This book has been published to mark the centenary of the Tantanoola Show, to be held on Saturday, November 12, 1988. When a fixture, such as a Show, has had an impact on a district for 100 years, it is well to have a backward glance at the people and events associated with it.

Additional information

Weight .25 kg
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 2 cm